So a couple of weeks ago I got started sculpting a Glyos Infection Spyder Armorvor head. I sent Matt Doughty/Onell Design the photos of the WIP sculpt (roughed in spider head form) and told him I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a hard edged mechanical spider sculpt or a more organic sculpt.
I was gearing up to add lots of hair for an organic look and when I opened my email and saw these super kewl designs he drew up...I was ready to add some hair and get rollin' (obviously away from the mech spider look).
After I had the WIP closer to completion, I sent Matt some more photos of the sculpt.
Matt did another drawing bringing out some more character traits that I was considering... taking it from a literal spider head sculpt and more to a Glyos Infection Spyder Armorvor look!
Here is the final head sculpt...maybe a tiny bit more tightening of the sculpt, but, basically finished.